This month we will be joined by our guest author, Dr. Augustus William Jordan III. Dr. Jordan is a professor at Clark Atlanta University and will share passages with us from his book. Please look forward to this special appearance.
The format of our Monthly READ-IN: Choose a book, poem or song lyric based on our Monthly Theme. Everyone who joins us online gets to...
* Read aloud a passage from your chosen book, poem, song, speech or letter. Participants will be given 3 minutes to...
1) Introduce yourself
2) State the book and author you will be reading
3) Read your favorite passage
4) Tell us why you chose that piece of literature and that passage
* All other Authors who share their literature will be given 5 minutes to
1) Do #1 thru #4 above.
2) Tell us about the book(s) you've written.
3) Tell us where your book(s) can be purchased.
4) Tell us how to contact and/or follow you. (Phone, Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)